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Graduate Chemistry Grade Standards

At any time during their degree program, a student who receives more than two grades of C+ or poorer and/or progress reports less than satisfactory may lose financial support and may be removed from the program at the discretion of the Graduate Committee. (See Progress Toward Degree Expectations.)

Continuing graduate students are required to maintain at least an overall 3.00 grade point average. A 3.00 grade point average (exclusive of research, seminar and CHEM 5100) must be maintained in order to be eligible for or to continue to receive financial support (scholarship, fellowship, associateship).

A student that falls below a 3.00 grade point average will be put on probation. Failure to achieve a 3.00 grade point average after one semester of probation may result in immediate loss of financial support.

The University requires a 3.00 grade point average in coursework and also in research before a graduate degree can be awarded.