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Chemistry NMR

The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) facility is a full-service facility in the Chemistry & Biochemistry Department, located in Chemistry 132. This facility is maintained and managed under the supervision of Dr. Jessica Roberts. The facility houses both nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS) instrumentation.


Bruker Ascend 500 NMR spectrometer

Bruker Ascend 500

The Bruker Ascend 500 NMR spectrometer is equipped with two solutions probes (BBO and TXI), as well as a solids probe (H/X CP-MAS) which can handle a broad array of experiments for a variety of sample types. Variable temperature (VT) experiments with temperatures ranging from -80 to 150 °C are currently supported. Instrument is available for use both in automated and manual mode.


The Thermo Fisher Q Exactive Plus

Thermo Fisher Q Exactive Plus

The Thermo Fisher Q Exactive Plus mass spectrometer utilizes an electron spray ionization (ESI) source coupled with an orbitrap mass analyzer. This instrument supports both full MS and MSMS analysis for interested researchers.


The Bruker AutoFlex Max MALDI-TOF

Bruker AutoFlex Max MALDI-TOF

The Bruker AutoFlex Max MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer allows researchers to run standard MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry experiments, as well as offers the ability to conduct MALDI imaging.

The facility is available to both internal and external users upon completion of the relevant training course(s). Training workshops are offered regularly for prospective users and advanced one-on-one trainings are available based on user request. Please contact the NMR facility manager for additional information on instrument capability or custom experimental needs.

The department also offers NMR and MS analytical services and sample analyses to users outside of the university community. Please contact Dr. Roberts for further details including cost and sample submission.

Analytical Services

The department also offers NMR and MS analytical services and sample analyses to users outside of the university community. Please contact Dr. Roberts for further details including cost and sample submission.