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Funding Sources in Earth and Environmental Geosciences

Examples of Research and Travel Funding Sources for Students in Earth and Environmental Geosciences

Funding Opportunities for Geology (discipline unspecified)

: Deadline mid May, $2,500 to $5,000, undergraduate and graduate scholarship to cover the cost of attending an accredited geoscience program

: Deadline early August, $500, undergraduate and graduate student travel and scholarship, AGU Fall meeting presentation required

: Deadline early August, $500, undergraduate and graduate student travel to present paper or poster at AGU Fall Meeting, AGU student membership required

: Deadline early May, up to $2,000, undergraduate and graduate student scientists conducting field geophysical research using GPR and EM methods

: Deadline early April, $600 to $1,000, junior and senior undergraduate and graduate student field-oriented research on geology, geochemistry, and geophysics in the Rocky Mountain region

: Deadline early December, $2,500 to $5,000, graduate student research in all categories of field science

: Deadline early December, $2,500 to $5,000, graduate student research involving the ocean

: Deadline early December, approximately $1,500, undergraduate student funding in a wide array of disciplines

: Deadline mid May, $1,500 scholarship, offers GSA student membership and full meeting registration to the GSA annual meeting to undergraduate students from groups who are underrepresented in the geosciences

: Deadline early February, up to $2,000, graduate research to student members in geosciences

: Annual GSA meeting: Deadline early September, $300, undergraduate and graduate student members in North-Central region

: Regional GSA meeting: Deadline early February, $200, undergraduate and graduate student members in North-Central region

: Deadline mid March, $500, research grant to student members in North-Central region

: Deadline late May, one year GSA membership, partial travel funding and full meeting registration to the GSA Annual Meeting, undergraduate and graduate students from a community underrepresented in the geosciences

91视频 Graduate Student Senate: Grant for Original Work: Deadline mid September and mid February, $750, interdisciplinary review panel

91视频 Graduate Student Senate: Travel Award: Deadline mid September and mid February, $500, lottery system for funding

91视频 Provost Undergraduate Research Fund: Deadline early October, up to $1,500, research and creative activity conducted by undergraduates

91视频 Student Enhancement Awards: Deadline late January, up to $6,000, supports direct project costs for undergraduate and graduate projects

91视频 Undergraduate Travel Fund: Deadline TBD, up to $500, travel assistance for undergraduate students presenting their research

: Deadline early October and mid March, up to $1,000, travel and direct expense funding for undergraduate and graduate research

t: Deadline early February, $10,000, graduate student funding for innovative microscopy in geoscience projects

Funding Opportunities for Sedimentary Geology and Paleontology

: Deadline early December, $500 to $3,000, direct expenses for graduate student thesis work

: Deadline late March, $500, research funding for hands-on exploration, conferences, or tuition fees

: Deadline early December, $1,000, graduate scholarship for specimen based work

: Deadline early March, $500, undergraduate and graduate research in paleontology and stratigraphy with special consideration given to work on Cincinnatian fossils

: Deadline early February, up to $1,200, undergraduate or graduate student members researching any aspect of paleontology

: Deadline mid January, $500, graduate student members research projects and travel in sedimentary geology

: Deadline mid January, $500, undergraduate and graduate student members researching sedimentary geology

: Deadline mid January, $500, undergraduate and graduate student members researching sedimentary geology

: Deadline early April, $1,500, undergraduate and graduate student members research involving museum or university vertebrate fossil or natural history collections

: Deadline early April, $1,000 to $2,000, undergraduate and graduate student members fieldwork in vertebrate paleontology

: Deadline early April, $1,000, graduate student members researching non-mammalian vertebrate paleontology

: Deadline early April, up to $3,000, graduate student members research projects in field, museum, laboratory, or other academic activities

: Deadline mid January, up to $1,500, graduate student travel to visit the Yale Peabody Museum specimens

Funding Opportunities for Mineralogy and Petrology

: Deadline early February, up to $10,000, graduate research involving geochronology

: Deadline early March, up to $5,000, undergraduate and graduate student members researching mineralogical crystallography

: Deadline early March, up to $5,000, undergraduate and graduate students researching mineralogy and petrology

Funding Opportunities for Planetary Geology

: Deadline mid April, $2,500 to $5,000, graduate student impact crater research

: Deadline early March, up to $30,000, includes a stipend, student allowance, and university allowance

: Deadline early November, up to $80,000, graduate student research and development of advanced and innovative space technologies

: Deadline early September, $3,000, undergraduate and graduate student impact crater research

Funding Opportunities for Environmental Geology

: Deadline early August, $1,500 academic scholarship, undergraduate and graduate students in geoenvironmental sciences or geoenvironmental engineering

: Deadline early January, up to $5,000, undergraduate scholarship to students pursuing careers in environmental sciences or engineering

: Deadline mid January, $500, graduate student members researching areas of coastal or environmental geology