A&S Graduate Student Research Fund

Objectives of the Program

The objective of the College of Arts & Sciences Graduate Student Research Fund (GSRF) is to support graduate students in their research endeavors.

Awards support research travel to collect data, conference travel (must be presenting), research supplies and materials, professional development opportunities (e.g., workshop to learn a new skill not available on campus), technology essential to conduct the research, etc. Awards may not be used for salary (either one's own or an assistant). Priority will be given to proposals that demonstrate a clear and compelling link between the funds and proposed scholarly activity.


All full-time master's or doctoral graduate students within the College of Arts & Sciences and in good standing (GPA 3.0 or higher) are eligible. Students may apply more than once during their degree program; however, students are not eligible for awards in consecutive cycles. The maximum amount requested is $1,000.


Fall Deadline: Nov. 1 (for activities between Dec. 1 - June 30)

Spring Deadline: March 31 (for activities between May 1 - Nov. 30).

The college will make up to 10 awards at each cycle.

Review and Evaluation

Proposals will be reviewed by a 5-person committee chosen by the Dean. This committee will be formulated in September of each academic year.

Proposal Preparation

It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that the proposal is complete. All pages must be numbered, single-spaced with 12-point font, and one-inch margins. Proposals are limited to seven pages (see below). Proposals that are incomplete or do not adhere to the format and page limit will not be reviewed. Each proposal should contain the following documents in the order listed:

  1. Cover page (page 1): Use this PDF for your cover page [required]
  2. Narrative (pages 2-3): The narrative should not exceed two pages and must have two subsections – "Research" (explaining the research in terms accessible to a general audience) and "Benefits" (explaining how and why these funds benefit your research and the completion of your degree).
  3. Literature Cited (page 4): Include up to one page of literature that was cited in the narrative. Five to 15 citations are typical.
  4. Budget and Justification (page 5): Provide a table or bulleted list of items and their approximate cost. In the justification, explain how these items further your research. Please note whether your department is willing to provide matching funds, or you have access to additional resources. Matching funds are viewed favorably but are not required. Providing this information is particularly important for projects whose cost far exceed the amount requested.
  5. Curriculum Vitae (pages 6-7): Provide a two-page CV that details educational experience, relevant coursework, milestones completed (e.g., proposal defense), and all research products to date (i.e., peer-reviewed publications, conference presentations, previous grants, etc.).


Proposal Submission

Proposals must be in PDF format. Name the proposal using your LASTNAME-DEPT.pdf (e.g., Anderson-BIOS.pdf). Send completed proposals to  (cas@ohio.edu) by 5 p.m. on the date specified for the current cycle.