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Statement on the Use of Generative AI

The departmental policy for the use of generative Artificial Intelligence (genAI) tools is 鈥済enAI-Assisted Editing.鈥 You may use genAI to edit your written work to improve grammar or clarity. However, genAI should not be used to generate new content. You must include an acknowledgment of the tool used and its purpose.

This policy reflects our departmental stance. However, your advisor may have different standards, and there may be varying rules for each course. Please adhere to the guidelines provided by your advisor or course instructor.

Grievance Procedures

Dismissal from Program

  • A graduate student may be dismissed from the program for serious deviations from acceptable professional practices, including (but not restricted to) plagiarism, cheating, dishonesty, fabrication or falsification of research data, sexual harassment, careless behavior that threatens the well being of others, and vandalism.
  • If a decision is made to dismiss a graduate student due to academic misconduct or poor performance, the Department Chair shall notify the student at least 30 days in advance of dismissal in writing. The reasons for the disciplinary action shall also be explained in writing.
    • This is not required if the student is being dismissed for unsatisfactory performance in coursework or research; see 鈥淕raduation Requirements鈥 under the individual degree programs in this document.

Cancellation of Assistantship

  • A written warning will be issued notifying the student that their performance is unsatisfactory and may lead to contract cancellation if the situation is not rectified. The student鈥檚 performance will be reassessed at the end of the semester. If still unsatisfactory, the student shall be notified by the Department Chair, in writing, at least 30 days in advance of appointment cancellation.

Contesting Dismissal or Cancellation of Assistantship

  • A student has the right to contest dismissal or appointment cancellation.
  • A student may request a hearing with the Graduate Committee and the Department Chair. This request must be made in writing to the Department Chair within a week (7 days) following notification of dismissal or appointment cancellation.
    • The Department Chair will then arrange a hearing, which will take place within 14 days of the student鈥檚 request.
  • This is the final hearing of the appeal within the department.
  • After the department hearing, the student may then contest the dismissal or appointment cancellation through normal university channels for appeal.


  • Plagiarism will not be tolerated because it is one of the worst offences in academia.
  • Faculty members are responsible to report all acts of plagiarism to the Department and Graduate Chair in writing, including evidence, within seven days of the offence.
  • On the first offence, the student will be placed on academic probation. The second offence will result in dismissal from the program.

Other Grievances

  •  Grievances can be brought for serious deviations from acceptable professional practices, included, but not restricted to, cheating, dishonesty, fabrication or falsification of research data, sexual harassment, verbal abuse, careless behavior that threatens the well being of others, and vandalism.
    • By graduate students against faculty members or against other graduate and/or undergraduate students. Likewise, faculty against graduate students.
  • In all cases, the burden of proof regarding any grievance rests upon the individual(s) bringing the grievance (the grievant).

Departmental Procedures

  • Grievants will attempt to resolve the grievance through informal discussions with the faculty member or graduate student charged.
  • If no resolution of the grievance is obtained, the grievant will discuss the grievance with the Graduate Chair.
  • If no resolution of the grievance is obtained, the grievant may request a formal hearing with the Graduate Committee and the Department Chair.
    • This request, including a description of the charge, shall be made in writing to the Department Chair, who shall arrange a hearing to take place within 30
    • days of the grievant鈥檚 request.
    • The Department Chair must notify the person(s) against whom a charge is being brought in writing at least 20 days before the hearing.
    • This is the final hearing of appeal within the department.
  • Grievants who fail to obtain resolution of the grievance at the department level may pursue the grievance through normal university channels for appeal.

Exemption Procedures

  • A student who can demonstrate competency in any required course may be exempt from the requirement, but only approval from their advisor and the graduate committee.
  • Competency may be demonstrated by having previously taken a similar course (similar learning outcomes and standards) and earning a grade of B or better or by successfully completing a competency exam.
  • Any exemption for required coursework must be approved before the submission of the course approval form.
  • Any exemption does not give a student graded course credit for the course, but exempts them from taking the required course.


  • It is recommended that a written record be available of the proceedings of any formal grievance hearing.
  • It is the student鈥檚 responsibility to know departmental and college requirements. When a conflict occurs between catalog or guidelines and the advisor, the catalog or guidelines take precedence, unless a formal waiver has been obtained from the Graduate Chair.
  • Sexual harassment laws require supervisors to act when made aware of misconduct.