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Public Affairs Internship for Graded Credit

Academic Requirements for Graded Credit Internships

If a student enrolled in any graded credit hours for his or her internship, the academic requirements include a series of reflection papers, a final reflection paper, a final research paper, and the sponsor's evaluation of the student's work. After the internship application has been approved, make sure to schedule an appointment with the Internship Director to discuss the requirements of the internship and how to submit work.

Reflection Papers

As part of academic work associated with an internship, a student submits a series of reflection papers, about every two weeks during a regular semester. In these papers, the student notes the kind of work he or she has been assigned, how the work contributes to the office, and a reflection of his or her learning. Each reflection paper should be two to three pages, double spaced. Over the course of the internship, a student is required to submit six reflection papers. Some internship sponsors, for legal reasons, will not want particular information to be included in these papers and in other assignments. Ask the internship sponsor if there are any restrictions and discuss these restrictions with the Internship Director.

Final Reflection Paper

At the end of the internship, a student must submit a final reflection paper, evaluating the internship as a whole. Similar to reflection papers, the student reflects on how the total internship experience relates to important concepts and ideas in Political Science. This paper should be three to five pages double spaced.

Final Research Paper

A student taking any internship hours for graded credit is required to complete the final research paper. During the first two weeks of the internship, the student develops a reading list of scholarly work related to some aspect of the internship, in consultation with the Internship Director. For the final research paper, the student evaluates important theoretical concepts in Political Science using readings and internship experience as a case study. The finished research paper should be between 12 and 15 pages of text, double spaced.

Sponsor Evaluation

In the final weeks of the internship, the sponsor is asked to submit an evaluation of the student's on-the-job performance. Before the internship ends, a student asks the sponsor to fill out and return the evaluation form.