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CHSP College Curriculum Committee Meeting 2.24.23

In attendance: Marion-Fetty (liaison), Jeng, Geng, Shadik, Popescu, Schaumleffel, Gillogly, Russell, Brooks, Ephlin, Sergeev, Buchman (chair), Davidson (admin support)

Excused: Raimondi

Agenda Items Department Course Name Submission Type Recommendation D&I Communication Details in Submission
HSLS 1130 RCS Introduction to the Deaf Community Course Change Not approved; requires changes Submission already includes DEI or N/A N
CTNLCG SON Post Graduate Certificate for Nurse Leader Program Change Approved; pending changes No suggestions for DEI N
MS8174 AHSW Master of Science in Athletic Training Program Change Approved; pending changes No suggestions for DEI N
AT 5910 AHSW Clinical Immersion in Athletic Training Course Change - revisit Approved; as is No suggestions for DEI N