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Danielle Feeney

Danielle Feeney
Assistant Professor
Teacher Education
Patton Hall 309D

Dr. Danielle Feeney holds the B.S. in Early Childhood Education from Kent State University and the M.Ed. in Special Education from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She also holds the Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas with areas of expertise in Learning Disabilities, Emotional Behavioral Disorders, and Teaching English as a Second Language. Dr. Feeney teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in OHIO's special education program with a focus on assessment, intensive interventions, and methods for students with high-incidence disabilities, on top of introductory courses focused on inclusive education and graduate courses on Universal Design for Learning.

Research, Engagement, and Outreach interests: Humanizing Pedagogy in PK-12 and Higher Education; Self-Monitoring Interventions to Improve Academic and Behavioral Outcomes; Student Autonomy and Ownership of Learning

Recent Publications:

Feeney, D. M., & Gut-Zippert, D. M. (2023). Honoring each other’s experiences: Reciprocal mentoring in higher education. In N. Dominguez, J. Haddock-Millar, & P. Stokes (Eds.), Reciprocal Mentoring. Routledge.

Feeney, D. M., Lavin, C. E., Matute-Chavarria, M., Park, H., & Hsiao, Y. (2023). Engaging families from CLD backgrounds in virtual IEPs. The Journal of Special Education Technology. Advance Online  Publication. 

Feeney, D. M., Morgan, J. J., Rodgers, W. J., Brown, M., R. & Relles, S. R. (2023). Self talk monitoring and goal-oriented thinking: Effects on middle schoolers’ behavior and academics. Learning Disability Quarterly, 46(4), 261-275. 

Feeney, D. M. & Gut-Zippert, D. M. (2022). Reciprocal mentoring in higher education: Honoring each other’s experiences. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 6(15), 259-263.

Feeney, D. M. (2022). Considerations for white educators shifting to student- and equity-centered education systems. EBSCO’s Inaugural Pathways to Research in Education, EDU040, 1-16.

Feeney, D. M. (2022). On misconceptions of student behavior. EBSCO’s Inaugural Pathways to Research in Education, EDU024, 1-12.

Feeney, D. M. (2022). Understanding the four-term contingency to support student behavior. EBSCO’s Inaugural Pathways to Research in Education, EDU009, 1-12.

Feeney, D. M. (2021). Self-talk monitoring: A how-to guide for special educators. Intervention in School and Clinic. Advance online publication.

Feeney, D. M. (2021). Positive self-talk: An emerging learning strategy for students with learning disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic. Advance online publication.

Newton, J. R., Williams, M. C., & Feeney, D. M. (2020). Implementing non-traditional assessment strategies in teacher preparation: Opportunities and challenges. The Journal of Culture and Values in Education, 3(1), 39-51.