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John Staser

John Staser
Stocker Center 159
Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Environment

Research Interests: Electrochemical Engineering, Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage, Electrochemical Biosensors, Electrochemical Conversion of Biomass

Journal Article, Academic Journal (6)

  • Sah, G., Staser, J., Harrington, P. (2024). Analysis of the Electrochemical Oxidation Pathway of a Lignin Model Compound, Benzyl Phenyl Ether, with Chemometrics. Journal of Analysis and Testing.
  • Staser, J. (2024). Quantifying the Entropy and Enthalpy of Insertion Materials for Battery Applications Via the Multi-Species, Multi-Reaction Model. Journal of the Electrochemical Society; 171: .
  • Staser, J. (2024). Application of the Multi-Species, Multi-Reaction Model to Coal-Derived Graphite for Lithium-Ion Batteries. Journal of the Electrochemical Society; 171: .
  • Namaeighasemi, A., Daramola, D., Staser, J. (2022). Electrochemical Performance of ZIF-8 Coated Zn Anode in a Solid-State Zn Air Battery. 4. ECS Advances; 1: 040503. .
  • NaderiNasrabadi, M., Chen, Z., Staser, J., Harrington, P. (2020). Application of Generalized Standard Addition Method and Ultraviolet Spectroscopy to Quantify Electrolytic Depolymerization of Lignin. Springer.
  • NaderiNasrabadi, M., Chen, Z., Harrington, P., Staser, J. (2019). Biomass-Depolarized Electrolysis. 10. 166: E317-E322. .

Journal Article, Professional Journal (22)

  • Namaeighasemi, A., Daramola, D., Staser, J. (2022). Electrochemical Performance of ZIF-8 Coated Zn Anode in a Solid-State Zn Air Battery. ECS Advances.
  • NaderiNasrabadi, M., Rakshit, S., Viswanathan, G., Chen, Z., Harrington, P., Staser, J. (2020). A Techno-economic Analysis for Integrating an Electrochemical Reactor into a Lignocellulosic Biorefinery for Production of Industrial Chemicals and Hydrogen. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology; .
  • Ghahremani, R., Farales, F., Bateni, F., Staser, J. (2020). Simultaneous Hydrogen Evolution and Lignin Depolymerization using NiSn Electrocatalysts in a Biomass-Depolarized Electrolyzer. 4. 167: 043502. .
  • Staser, J., Bateni, F., Ghahremani, R., NaderiNasrabadi, M. (2019). Low-Cost Nanostructured Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution in an Anion Exchange Membrane Lignin Electrolysis Cell. Journal of the Electrochemical Society; .
  • NaderiNasrabadi, M., Bateni, F., Chen, Z., Harrington, P., Staser, J. (2019). Biomass-Depolarized Electrolysis. .
  • Ghahremani, R., Staser, J. (2018). Electrochemical oxidation of lignin for the production of value-added chemicals on Ni-Co bimetallic electrocatalysts. 11. Holzforschung; 72: 951-960. .
  • Wang, Y., Myers, M., Staser, J. (2017). Electrochemical UV Sensor Using Carbon Quantum Dot/Graphene Semiconductor. 165: H3001-H3007. .
  • Movil-Cabrera, O., Rodriguez-Silva, A., Arroyo-Torres, C., Staser, J. (2016). Electrochemical conversion of lignin to useful chemicals. Biomass and Bioenergy; 88: 89-96. .
  • Rodriguez, A., Movil, O., Oliveira dos Anjos, C., Staser, J. (2016). Supercapacitor-based Biosensor for Low Density Lipoprotein Detection. Journal of the Electrochemical Society; 163: B256-B263. .
  • Movil, O., Schadeck, C., Staser, J. (2015). Investigation of double-layer and pseudocapacitance of surface-modified ionic liquid-functionalized graphene oxide. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry; 755: 127-135. .
  • Movil, O., Garlock, M., Staser, J. (2015). Non-precious metal nanoparticle electrocatalysts for electrochemical modification of lignin for low-energy and cost-effective production of hydrogen. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy; 40: 4519-4530. .
  • Movil, O., Frank, L., Staser, J. (2015). Graphene Oxide-Polymer Nanocomposite Anion-Exchange Membranes. Journal of the Electrochemical Society; 162: F419-F426. .
  • Daniels, K., Shetu, S., Staser, J., Weidner, J., Williams, C., Sudarshan, T., Chandrashekhar, M. (2015). Mechanism of Electrochemical Hydrogenation of Epitaxial Graphene. Journal of the Electrochemical Society; 162: E37-E42. .
  • Staser, J., Weidner, J. (2014). Mathematical Modeling of Hybrid Asymmetric Electrochemical Capacitors. Journal of the Electrochemical Society; 161: E3267-E3275. .
  • Jayakumar, J., Gulledge, A., Staser, J., Kim, C., Benicewicz, B., Weidner, J. (2012). Polybenzimidazole Membranes for Hydrogen and Sulfuric Acid Production in the Hybrid Sulfur Electrolyzer. ECS Electrochemistry Letters; 1: F44-F48. .
  • Jayakumar, J., Staser, J., Kim, C., Stone, S., Weidner, J. (2012). The Extraction of the Diffusion Coefficient and Solubility of Sulfur Dioxide in Bi-layer Proton Exchange Membranes. Journal of the Electrochemical Society; 159: F617-F621. .
  • Staser, J., Gorensek, M., Weidner, J. (2010). Quantifying Individual Potential Contributions of the Hybrid Sulfur Electrolyzer. Journal of the Electrochemical Society; 157: B952-B958. .
  • Gorensek, M., Staser, J., Stanford, T., Weidner, J. (2009). A thermodynamic analysis of the SO2/H2SO4 system in SO2-depolarized electrolysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy; 34: 6089-6095. .
  • Staser, J., Weidner, J. (2009). Sulfur Dioxide Crossover During the Production of Hydrogen and Sulfuric Acid in a PEM Electrolyzer. Journal of the Electrochemical Society; 156: B836-B841. .
  • Staser, J., Norman, K., Fujimoto, C., Hickner, M., Weidner, J. (2009). Transport Properties and Performance of Polymer Electrolyte Membranes for the Hybrid Sulfur Electrolyzer. Journal of the Electrochemical Society; 156: B842-B847. .
  • Staser, J., Weidner, J. (2008). Effect of Water Transport on the Production of Sulfuric Acid in a PEM Electrolyzer. Journal of the Electrochemical Society; 156: B16-B21. .
  • Staser, J., Ramasamy, R., Sivasubramanian, P., Weidner, J. (2007). Effect of Water on the Electrochemical Oxidation of SO2 in a PEM Electrolyzer for H2 Production. Electrochemical and Solid State Letters; 10: E17-E19. .

Patent (15)

  • Staser, J., Movil, O. Electrochemical conversion of lignin to industrial chemicals . 10,577,699.
  • Staser, J., Ghahremani, R. NiSb Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction. 62/840,553.
  • Staser, J. Carbon Quantum Dot/Graphene Oxide Photocapacitor.
  • Staser, J., Rodriguez, A. Supercapacitor-Based Biosensors and Methods of Detecting a Biomarker.
  • Staser, J. Electrochemical Conversion of Lignin to Useful Chemicals.
  • Staser, J. Electrochemical Conversion of Lignin to Useful Chemicals.
  • Staser, J., Movil, O. Chemically-functionalized graphene oxide-modified anion exchange membranes.
  • Staser, J., Movil, O. Chemically-functionalized graphene oxide-modified anion exchange membranes.
  • Staser, J., Movil, O., Rodriguez, A. Supercapacitor Immunosensor for Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Qantification.
  • Staser, J. Electrochemical Conversion of Lignin to Industrial Chemicals.
  • Staser, J. Electrochemical Conversion of Lignin to Industrial Chemicals.
  • Staser, J., Movil, O. Polyelectrolyte-Functionalized Graphene Oxide Modified Polymer Electrolyte Membranes.
  • Staser, J. Polyelectrolyte-functionalized Graphene Oxide Modified Polymer Electrolyte Membranes. Invention Disclosure submitted to TTO.
  • Staser, J. Lignin-depolarized Electrolyzer Generating Value-Added Chemicals and Hydrogen. Invention Disclosure submitted to TTO.
  • Staser, J. Hybrid Bipolar Membrane-based Direct Sodium Borohydride/Hydrogen Peroxide Fuel Cell. Invention Disclosure submitted to TTO.

Book, Scholarly (1)

  • Staser, J., Mittelsteadt, C. (2012). Electrolyzer Membranes. Polymer Science: A Comprehensive Reference, 2nd Edition; 10: 849-871.

Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book (2)

  • Staser, J., Gorensek, M., Corgnale, C., Weidner, J. (2022). Thermochemical hydrogen processes. Elsevier; 63-82.
  • Staser, J. (2022). Chapter 3 - Thermochemical hydrogen processes.

Conference Proceeding (4)

  • Staser, J. (2015). Electrochemical Synthesis of Fuels 3.
  • Staser, J. (2014). Porous Materials 6. Electrochemical Society.
  • Staser, J. (2013). Electrochemical Synthesis of Fuels 2. ECS Transactions.
  • Daniels, K., Shetu, S., Staser, J., Weidner, J., Williams, C. (2013). Electrochemical Hydrogenation of Dimensional Carbon Material Synthesis and Processing. ECS Transactions; 58: 439-445. .

Other (1)

  • Gorensek, M., Corgnale, C., Staser, J., Weidner, J. (2018). Solar Thermochemical Hydrogen (SCTH) Processes.