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Fused Deposition Modeling Additive Manufacturing of Carbonized Structures via Waste-Enhanced Filaments

Embodied carbon in building and construction materials accounts for 11% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and are expected to rise and account for a larger share of GHG emissions. The goal to reduce CO2 emissions by 50-52% of 2005 levels by 2030 requires a multi-pronged approach. Decarbonization of building materials will be an important aspect in reducing GHG emissions. This project seeks to convert coal and coal wastes into fused deposition modeling (FDM) filaments with superior performance. The team is working to develop coal-enhanced filaments that can be used with current FDM printers.


  • Reduces CO2 emissions from construction materials
  • Utilizes abundant domestic coal reserves
  • Generates low-cost building materials with superior performance
  • Printed into needed form factor

Technology Readiness Level

  • Fused Deposition Modeling Additive Manufacturing of Carbonized Structures via Waste-Enhanced Filaments: TRL-3

Current Investigators

  • Yahya Al-Majali, PI
  • Jason Trembly, co-PI


  • U.S. Department of Energy