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Travis Davidson, Ph.D.

  • Leona Hughes Associate Professor of Finance

Areas of Expertise

Expert Bio

Davidson received his Ph.D. in Finance from Oklahoma State University in 2012, he also earned a M.S. in Quantitative Financial Economics from Oklahoma State University and a bachelor鈥檚 degree in MIS with a minor in Accounting from Southern Illinois University.  He has taught a variety of courses including: Corporate Finance, Bank Management, Risk and Insurance, and Markets and Institutions.  His primary area of research is looking at banks, but also studies other financial institutions, corporate governance, and a variety of other financial topics.  He has published peer-reviewed research on the Federal Home Loan Bank, bank owned life insurance, deposit insurance, board of director busyness, corporate social responsibility, and tracking stocks.

Expertise at a Glance

Davidson is an expert in the banking industry, corporate governance and personal finance. His research looks into bank and financial management, as well as insurance and corporate social responsibility.

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