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Concur Processing at Year-End

July 8, 2019

In the past Concur users have experienced 3-4 weeks of down time in Concur, during the month of July, while back office staff processed end of the year transactions. Beginning with FY2019 yearend close, campus users will no longer experience this delay during the month of July.  Concur users can now process and approve Concur reports for both FY19 and FY20 transactions seamlessly.  Transactions will be processed to the appropriate fiscal year as follows:

  • Pcard - Pcard transactions will process and post to Oracle based on the transaction date
    • Transaction dates on June 30 or prior will process as FY19 transactions
    • Transaction dates of July 1 or after will process as FY20 transactions
  • Expense and Travel – Expense and travel transactions will process and post to Oracle based on the report end date
    • Travel ending on or before June 30 will process as FY19 transactions
    • Travel ending on or after July 1 will process as FY20 transactions

Questions?  Contact Finance Customer Care at financecustomercare@ohio.edu or 597-6446.