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Journal Entry Tool (JET) Reminders

November 30, 2022

When preparing or processing journal entries in JET, please keep the following in mind.

The information required in the Journal Header Long Description and Line Description fields may vary depending on which journal category you are selecting, but all Journal Header Long Descriptions should include a full description of the transaction as a whole as well as contact information such as name, phone number or email of the preparer of the entry. Line descriptions should contain as much detail as possible and should explain the transaction that’s occurring on that specific line of the entry.

Good Journal Header Long Description

Inadequate Journal Header Long Description

October 15, 2022- Billing for COB PMBA Cohort Rental Rooms 214 and 245 at the DIEC; jjones@ohio.edu; 7-9999

Rental billing;  jjones@ohio.edu, 7-9999

Correct Organization from 770999 to 770151 on initial Baker PNC transfer – Jane Jones jjones@ohio.edu

Correct Organization from 770999 to 770151 on initial Baker PNC transfer

Correcting Invoice 3520004256 to correct activity and function, Jane Jones, jjones@ohio.edu

Invoice correction; Jane Jones, jjones@ohio.edu


Good Line Description

Inadequate Line Description

Write off stale dated checks for FY22 Q4. Check# 1359719, Supplier EDIBLE APPALACHIA LLC, Inv# 04/02/22

Stale dated checks.

Printing Services Billings Sept 26-29, 2022: Signage and Specialty, Job #174137-Name Badge--Maryann Lape, Executive Assistant-Lancaster-Kreig Prior - Procd. By Terri Smathers (smathers@ohio.edu, 740-593-1930)

Printing services billing

Change Activity code from 0000 to 1603 - partial expense - 511284 | Kendrick, Justin K | SCIQUEST C0254977 Inv Date:28-APR-22 GL Date:29-SEP-22 EFT | INV#:31722850 | NET NATIVES INC | $35000 | Services Agreement-Net Natives for UCM/Scripps

Change activity code


Please also keep in mind that Internal Billings must be uploaded via JET no later than the month after the service/good is provided. Internal Billings uploaded after the due date will be reversed. For example, if a service was provided in October, the Internal Billing must be uploaded via JET no later than the November accounting period. This was put into place at the request of the CFAO group to ensure that charges to departmental accounts were made in a timely manner.

Correction entries also have deadlines. Corrections should be made within 60 days of the original transaction. Accounts should be reviewed monthly, so corrections for transactions that are over 60 days old should be very rare. When making a correction for a transaction that’s over 60 days old, special circumstances for the late entry must be documented in the 60 Day Correction Reason field. These transactions are reviewed by Central Accounting and will be reversed if circumstances are not appropriate for a late entry.

The JET webpage is a great resource for all things JET, including guidelines for selecting journal categories and writing journal short descriptions, journal header long descriptions and line descriptions. You can find the JET webpage at:


Also don’t forget the JET User Guide and JET QRG’s are available on the Finance Training Page:
