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October 2021 OBI Dashboard Enhancements

November 10, 2021

On October 19, 2021, the Appointment Information and Costing dashboard was updated to aggregate the hourly pay rows instead of showing a separate row per pay period.  The dashboard previously aggregated hourly pay in this manner, but the report inadvertently changed when the FY21 furloughs were reversed. 

On October 26, 2021, the following enhancements were made to the PO Summary and Payments dashboards. 

  • Suppliers’ legal names and alternate names were separated into two columns on both dashboards.  Previously, if a supplier had an alternate name, their alternate name was appended to the end of their legal name in a single field (e.g., INN OHIO OF ATHENS, INC DBA OHIO UNIVERSITY INN). The search fields on the dashboards and in BCB have been adjusted to search in both fields.
OBI: Suppliers legal names and alternate name search


  • Enhancements were made to the Preferred Supplier field to show the preferred supplier status as of the invoice date.  Previously, the PO Summary dashboard contained a preferred supplier column, but the dashboard showed their preferred status as of the date the report was run.  The Payments dashboard previously did not contain the preferred supplier status.  The preferred supplier field is now a hidden column on both dashboards.  Reminder - You may add hidden columns to your report by using one of the data-export options, or by right-clicking on the header row and selecting the additional fields to include.   
OBI Data Export
OBI Include Column

Questions?  Contact financecustomercare@ohio.edu.