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Petty Cash Fund and Change Fund Reconciliations (FY24)

May 28, 2024

By the end of each fiscal year end, Finance must have the correct balance of departments’ petty cash or change funds. Finance needs this information to finalize the fiscal year end balances for financial statement purposes.

In mid-June of each year, Annette Niese will send an email to all custodians who maintain a petty cash or change fund. Information, instructions, and the reconciliation form will be included in the email.

Each fund must be reconciled as of the date Sunday, June 30 in order to report the correct balance in the financial statements. The deadline to return the forms is Monday, July 1 by 5:00 pm.

Completed reconciliation forms should be submitted to finance@ohio.edu. For more information, review the Petty Cash and Change Fund Policy.

Questions? Contact Annette Niese in General Accounting and Financial Reporting at niese@ohio.edu.