
Culinary Services App

OHIO EATS is the mobile ordering app encompassing all information regarding the Culinary Services program including hours of operation, menu offerings, meal balance check, options to order and pick up a wide range of healthy and delicious meals.

The OHIO EATS app is hosted through . Download on the or to start ordering. 


OHIO EATS app screen 1: choose OHIO EATS from the list of available locations

1. Scroll or search for the OHIO EATS app

OHIO EATS app screen 2: decide which app art you prefer on your home screen

2. Choose the OHIO EATS logo for your app icon

OHIO EATS app screen 3: choose "log in with campus ID"

3. Tap "Log In With Campus ID" 

OHIO EATS app screen 4: Log in with your OHIO ID

 4. Log in with your OHIO ID to see available venues and meals!