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Getting to Know SCOPUS Database: Workshops for Faculty and Grad Students

Jen Harvey
February 25, 2020

Academics need to know where to focus their work and what their work means to their peers. You need answers to questions like:

  • How can you tell if your article will find an audience?
  • What communicates the prestige of a journal title?
  • How can I connect my ORCID to my body of work?
  • What has been the overall impact of my work?

The libraries have recently acquired Scopus, an article database and citation analysis tool, and is offering two sessions for faculty, instructors, and grads to learn the new database on March 5, 2020.  

This workshop will include a general overview of what and how SCOPUS covers academic publishing. Author profiles, search strategies, comparative analytics, and developing visualizations, are all part of the lesson plan.  

Scopus offers article searches for the sciences (@ 70%) and social sciences (@30%). Its unique metrics rate impact factors for the field, for specific titles, for authors, and articles. Finding and using these valuable metrics, especially, is a new to OU, and will be covered in this session. 
Scopus replaces the ISI product Wed of Science, which included ISI Web of Knowledge, Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science, Journal Citation Reports, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index, & Social Sciences Citation Index.

Register here:

Attendees should plan to bring a laptop. To request accessibility accommodations for this event, please contact Jen Harvey.