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Library Services for Online Learning

Kelly Broughton
March 13, 2020

The Libraries offer a variety of services to support remote and online teaching and learning at all times and specifically in response to COVID-19. We are committed to assisting you with support during the upcoming transition to online delivery /alert.  Specifically, we can help:

  • Make sure your students have access to the readings and other content you assign. Contact your subject librarian for assistance with finding the appropriate links for electronic copies of course readings, videos, etc.  We can also scan and provide electronic copies of print material you currently have on reserve.  We can scan other materials to be used by students and make purchases for online/streaming content.  If you would like to submit a request for this service, please send an email to your subject librarian or directly to reserves@ohio.edu including your name, your course number/name, a full citation or link to the source, special instructions, and to what email address we should deliver the PDF or links.
  • If your class includes an assignment that requires students to use library resources, consider sharing that assignment with your subject librarian, so that they may be able to help you and your students be successful with the assignment from anywhere.

The library help desk is available via chat, phone, or email during Alden Library's open hours.

Your subject librarians are available for virtual appointments and on Teams chat for assistance with:

Additional information is available on the page.