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Asian Pacific American Medical Students

Student Organizations Dublin

Our Mission

Our mission is to address the unique challenges, obstacles and responsibilities specific to Asian Pacific American medical students and physicians, and to promote the dissemination of this information in the field of medical education.

Officers, 2024-2025

PresidentRozhin Kheirandish
Vice PresidentNav Bedi
Treasurer/Secretary Toshiki Nakao
AdvisorTejal Patel, D.O.

Dues: $15 annually 

Services Provided

The organization represents Asian Pacific Americans as a group within the health care community at the Heritage College, acts as a resource for information on matters related to Asian Pacific Americans, provides a forum for discussion of issues concerning Asian Pacific Americans in health care and provides a link between students and faculty of Asian Pacific American background.

Tentative Schedule for 2024-2025

Fall semester - Club meeting/social, Bibibop fundraiser, mental health presentation

Spring semester - Spring semester - Club meeting/social, physician panel, donation/service project