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Medical Student Email and Computer Network

Medical Student Email

Heritage College students are assigned e-mail accounts by the OHIO Information Technology. These email accounts are part of the University Catmail Email System. The University utilizes email to send grade reports and as a primary means to communicate with students. As a student of the Heritage College, reading your University email is YOUR responsibility. Critical information concerning course requirements, grading, scheduling and testing are often communicated via email and through the student mail box system. It is every student's responsibility to check their email and mailbox regularly. Students are held responsible for obligations communicated via these systems.

General email questions and additional help can be found online at /oit/email/.

Students have access to the Internet and web-based resources through campus wireless network connections.

Computer and Network Use Policy

Access to computer systems and networks owned or operated by 91视频 imposes certain responsibilities and obligations and is granted subject to University policies, and local, state, and federal statutes. Computers and network resources provide access to resources both on and off campus. Such open access is a privilege, and requires that individual users act in a responsible and acceptable manner. Access to the University's computing facilities and resources is granted solely to 91视频 faculty, staff, registered students, and individuals outside the University who are authorized to use services that have been made available through 91视频. The University reserves the right to limit, restrict, or extend computing privileges and access to its resources. [ OU Computer and Network Use Policy 91.003 ]

Use of email is a privilege, not a right. This privilege can be revoked. Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to:

  • Discriminatory material that may be of a sexist, racist, homophobic or otherwise prejudicial nature. Often it refers to content that stereotypes, objectifies, patronizes or threatens an individual or group of individuals because of their sex, race (including color) nationality, descent or ethnic background, religion, cultural background, gender identity, HIV/AIDS status, industrial activity, marital status, parenthood, sexual orientation, pregnancy, age, physical features or disability.
  • Sending unsolicited and unauthorized mass email (spam)
  • Use of offensive language
  • Distribution of obscene material
  • Threats
  • Infringement on others' privacy
  • Interference with others' work
  • Copyright infringement
  • Illegal activity
  • Information unrelated to University business
  • Solicitation
  • Promoting political viewpoints
  • Surveys that do not serve sanctioned University purposes.
  • Messages containing confidential information such as course grades, financial aid award amounts, or tuition/fee payment amounts to individuals who have no job-related need for this information.

Examples of inappropriate use of email

  • While running for political office, you use your 91视频 email account to send out email about your candidacy to people who live in your district, promoting you as a candidate.
  • Using a computer connected to 91视频's campus network, you establish a commercial business, selling products or services over the Internet.
  • You download, store, print and/or display materials that could be perceived by others as contributing to an intimidating, hostile, or sexually offensive working environment.
  • You send out unsolicited email messages to other 91视频 community members unrelated to university business.

Technology Support Guidelines

The following standards for hardware and software support are adopted to maximize efficiency, compatibility and fiscal responsibility for the Heritage College.

Supported Hardware

The Office of Medical Educational Technology (OMET) will provide limited support for Windows based and Apple logo鈥檇 laptops operating authorized 91视频 and Heritage College software and applications.

Hardware support will not be provided for Smart Phones.
Limited support services for Smart Phones may be available on an individual request basis.

For more information, please contact the Heritage College Desktop Support Services at hcomtech@ohio.edu or call 740.593.2169.