Cleveland Kitchens and Lounge
Kitchen facilities are provided for the exclusive use of Heritage College students on the second and third floor. A refrigerator, microwaves, sink and storage space are available for use. Lunches may be stored in the refrigerator and prepared in the microwave. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to utilize reusable dishware, drink ware and utensils. Storage cabinets are open for use by all students, as well as accessible by faculty and staff. Please respect the privileges offered by this area and keep it clean.
Kitchen Guidelines
- Kitchen guidelines apply to all students of the 91视频 Heritage College Of Osteopathic Medicine.
- Additional appliances or movement of current appliances is not authorized without permission of the Facilities Coordinator.
- Dishes should be taken home at the end of each day and should not be left overnight in the sink.
- Items that are spoiled and unlabeled will be thrown away.
Any persistent problems with messes will result in administrative closure of the kitchens until the situation is resolved. The Student Government Association and/or the administration of the Heritage College have the ability to close the kitchens as they see fit.
Student Lounge Guidelines
- Turn off all power equipment when leaving. The lights are on timers and do not need to be turned off.
- Dispose of all trash and recyclables in the proper receptacles.
- If chairs were moved into or out of the room, please return chairs to their original position.
- Allow the custodial staff access during evening hours to do routine cleaning during informal study.
- Rooms are available for study space provided they are not in use by student organizations or prescheduled for events.
- The Heritage College is not responsible for unattended personal items left in student lounges.
Hosting an Event in the Lounges
Special requests can be made to the Assistant Director of Student Affairs and the Facilities Coordinator for folding tables and chairs to be placed in lounge areas for student events.
For more information, please contact Rachel Moore.