
Athens City Comprehensive Plan online surveys available

City of Athens planner Paul Logue has announced that the City of Athens has launched a series of online surveys to collect additional public feedback and input for the city鈥檚 comprehensive plan. 

Links to all of the surveys can be found on the city鈥檚 website at: 

These eight surveys are designed to take about five minutes and will be available to complete through Sunday, Oct. 7.

The first survey is developed to get additional information from residents on their respective neighborhoods. The other seven surveys are designed to get a bit more information on components in the plan guiding principles. The plan vision and guiding principles can be reviewed at this link: 

The city鈥檚 current comprehensive plan was adopted by Athens City Council in February of 2007. The comprehensive plan process will provide the community with the opportunity to help plan for future land use, development, and infrastructure within the city. The update will establish a community vision, perform a community inventory, and identify goals and recommendations to address neighborhoods, corridors, and general community initiatives to enhance the city.

The comprehensive plan is a tool for future decision making to help plan for the physical growth, development, and redevelopment of Athens. The plan aims to help achieve long term goals and objectives within the context of the vison. 

Those who are interested in updates on the plan including meeting announcements, surveys, and general information are encouraged to email the planners at plan2017@ci.athens.oh.us to be added to the comprehensive plan contact list.

For more information please contact planner Paul Logue at 740-592-3338 or plogue@ci.athens.oh.us

August 17, 2018
Staff reports