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Benefits Open Enrollment begins late April, Pharmacy benefit management administrator to change

The annual Benefits Open Enrollment period is held each year in the Spring. This years’ Benefits Open Enrollment is currently scheduled for April 22, 2020, through May 8, 2020. Any enrollment changes made during the enrollment period will be effective July 1, 2020.

Open Enrollment is the one time each year you can enroll or make changes in your healthcare benefits. Otherwise, changes may only be made if a qualifying family status change has occurred.  Open enrollment will be held online through Self Service Benefits, as it has been done in previous years.  Human Resources will distribute additional communications regarding open enrollment as the start date approaches. 

This year the university placed its medical and prescription drug plan administration contracts out for bid. 

Based on the results of the Request for Proposals, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield will continue to administer the university’s medical and dental plans.  Plan cost sharing including deductible, copays, and out-of-pocket maximums are remaining at their current levels.  The PPO medical plan premiums are scheduled to increase between $20 to $36 per month for single plans and $53 to $95 per month for family plans depending on salary level.  Premiums for dental plans will rise between $1 to $5 per month depending on single or family plan enrollment.  Full details regarding premium changes will be included in open enrollment materials.

The university’s prescription drug plan will transition from Express Scripts to CVS Caremark effective July 1, 2020.  Changing to CVS Caremark will result in changes to the mail order pharmacy, specialty medicine pharmacy, and may include changes to the copay tier a drug is assigned, and whether certain drugs are covered.

As we move closer to the CVS Caremark July 1, 2020, transition date, employees will receive direct and frequent communication regarding the transition.  Employees should be aware of the following as the transition to CVS Caremark approaches:

  • Retail Pharmacy options will not be restricted to CVS pharmacies. Athens area retail pharmacies in the network include Kroger, WalMart, Shrivers, Fruth, Holzer Pharmacy, Drugstore at O’Bleness, etc.
  • New ID Cards to present to pharmacies will be distributed in June.
  • Mail order and specialty prescriptions will be transferred from Express Scripts to CVS Caremark.
  • Prescription drug programs such as generics preferred, mandatory mail order, prior authorization, and step therapy will remain in place.


If you have any questions during open enrollment, please email the Benefits Office at benefits@ohio.edu

April 10, 2020
Staff reports