
University Community | News and Announcements

Equity and Civil Rights Compliance open and active during quarantine

Although 91视频 is currently providing classes and other academic programs online , Equity and Civil Rights Compliance (ECRC) wants to remind members of our community that maintaining an academic program free from discrimination and sexual misconduct remains a high priority for the University.

Although staff are working remotely at this time, Equity and Civil Rights Compliance is open and active. Anyone impacted by discrimination or sexual misconduct is encouraged to make a report through the appropriate reporting form located on the . Investigations and hearings are being conducted remotely, and remedies will be provided to assure that any harassment, sexual violence, intimate partner violence, stalking, retaliation, or other discriminatory behaviors are addressed promptly.

University policies on discrimination and sexual misconduct apply to behaviors that occur in person between members of the University community, but also apply to online and virtual misconduct. Any behavior that is prohibited by policy is also likely prohibited in cyber-forms, including cyber-harassment and cyber-stalking. Members of the community are expected to maintain a tone of civility and respect in online classes just as they would if they were in class physically.

Faculty and staff members who are mandated reporters are reminded that reporting of alleged sexual misconduct is expected when they become aware of incidents or allegations involving members of the campus community, regardless of how they learn of the potential misconduct, whether in person, in writing, or online. Sexual misconduct reports should be made using the found on the ECRC website.

April 13, 2020
Staff reports