Provost Undergraduate Research Fund offers awards to 29 OHIO students
The 91视频 Provost Undergraduate Research Fund (PURF) awards program has provided 29 students with a total of $30,936 in funding for their original research, scholarship and creative work this fall.
The Provost Undergraduate Research Fund awards are administered by the Research Division.
The program received 52 proposals with a total funding request of $55,287. Students may request up to $1,500 per proposal.
The FY2021 recipients are:
Elizabeth Adams (HTC Communication Sciences & Disorders; mentor: John McCarthy) received $303 for Medical Art Therapy and Communication Disorders in the Pediatric Hospital.
Holly Barrett (Art + Design; mentor: Brad Schwieger) received $563 for Imprinted (working title).
Alex Borgan (Art + Design; mentor: David LaPalombara received $996 for Reincarnation.
Katie Botterman (Art + Design; mentor: Brad Schwieger) received $963 for Phoenix Pinecone.
Mackenzie Bridges (Biological Sciences, WGSS certificate; mentor: Leslie Consitt) received $1,500 for Calcineurin-like Phosphoesterase Domain Containing 1 in Human Skeletal Muscle of Lean vs Obese Individuals and Its Relationship to Insulin Resistance.
Zachary Cartwright (Mechanical Engineering; mentor: Andrew Weems) received $1,498 for Continuous Flow Manufacturing of Biomedical Plastics for 3D Printing Medical Devices.
Morgen Conn (History; mentor: Miriam Shadis) received $222 for Leonor L贸pez: Destroying Misconceptions of the Medieval Woman.
Ava Da Re (Art + Design; mentor: David LaPalombara) received $579 for Imposters (working title).
Annie Dill (Teacher Education; mentor: Greg Foley) received $932 for Middle School Math Teachers' Perceptions of Student Engagement in a Virtual Setting.
Madison Eagloski (Art + Design; mentor: John Sabraw) received $1,244 for Self-deprecation as Currency.
Alexander Ford (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; mentor: Allan Showalter) received $1,500 for Investigating the Effects of Glucuronic Acid and Calcium in Plant Growth and Development.
Kai Greenberg (Art + Design; mentor: Cassidy Brauner) received $617 for An Ice Cold Sprite.
Luisa Baliero Guimaraes (Applied Health Sciences and Wellness; mentor: Robert Brannan) received $500 for Creating Demand for the North American Pawpaw: Recipe Development.
Felicity Gunn (Art + Design; mentor: Art Werger) received $617 for Three Story Thumbprint.
Jackson Krejsa (Biological Sciences; mentor: Ed List) received $1,500 for the Effects of Weight Cycling on Metabolic Flexibility.
Rosie Lamb (Teacher Education; mentor: Jennifer Newton) received $295 for What Inclusion Looks Like Across Schools.
Maura Linthicum (Environmental & Plant Biology; mentor: Allan Showalter) received $1,500 for Deciphering the Biological Functions of Decorations on Cell Wall Proteins: A Biochemical Approach.
Ashley Moore (Art + Design; mentor: David LaPalombara) received $526 for Equipoise.
Moss Nash (HTC Studio Art; mentor: Melissa Haviland) received $1,499 for Came to Be.
Kelly O'Meara (Geological Sciences; mentor: Alycia Stigall) received $1,462 for New Jurassic Fossils for Utah: Testing Species Identity, Reproduction Strategy, and Paleoenvironment.
Tony Pape (HTC Media Arts and Studies; mentor: Brian Plow) received $1,500 for Overdose: Constructing in the Cracks of the Superhero Content Conglomerate.
Will Quanrud (Geological Sciences; mentor: Katherine Fornash) received $1,395 for A Comparison of Bulk Rock and Zircon-based Tectonic Discrimination Diagrams: Implications for Prolith and Element Mobility in Subduction-related Metamorphic Rocks.
Devra Roberts (Environmental & Plant Biology; mentor: Allan Showalter) received $1,500 for Using CRISPR/Cas9 Technology to Uncover the Mechanisms underlying the Biological Functions of Cell Wall Proteins.
Callie Smith (HTC Art + Design; mentor: John Sabraw) received $1,320 for Liminal (working title).
Hailee Sorensen (HTC Biological Sciences; mentor: Ronan Carroll) received $1,500 for Investigating the Role of the RNA Deaminase TadA in Staphylococcus aureus.
Helen Stec (HTC Neuroscience, Math minor; mentor: Bekka Brodie) received $1,500 for An Investigation of Long- and Short-range Bimodal Communication Cues Used by Swarm-locating Female Mosquitos (Culex pipiens).
Elijah 鈥淐hip鈥 Wagner (Art + Design; mentor: Alex Hibbit) received $906 for Bejeweled: To Be Adored.
Eli Wanner (HTC History; mentor: Paul Milazzo) received $1,000 for President George W. Bush's Faith-based Initiatives: How Faith and Welfare Intertwined at the Turn of the 21st Century.
Declan Yert (Art + Design; mentor: Duane McDiarmid) received $1,500 for Transient Dissonance.