
News and Announcements

BobcatBUY user interface to be upgraded

BobcatBUY (BCB) will be unavailable from July 23-25 while a user interface (UI) upgrade is completed.  

When you log in after the update is complete, you will be greeted with a new pop-up window. Click the Yes or No radio button to see a Step-By-Step Tour and/or a video showing you some of the new features. These are not OHIO specific; however, the Division of Finance and Administration has prepared a Quick Reference Guide that will be available in advance of the release on the BobcatBUY page on July 22.

The new pop-up window that will appear when users log into the system after the upgrade.

If you select No to the Show this again question, you will no longer see this pop-up window. To turn it back on, click the profile drop down at the top right of the screen and select View My Profile. When your profile opens, select the Guided Tour Instructions on the left menu under your name. Click the Edit Section link to update your response to the questions.

One of the first things you will notice when you log in is a new search bar with more open space and fewer boxes. This theme carries through to the shopping cart, requisition, purchase order and invoice screens. 

While most of the UI changes are cosmetic, some of the buttons and information sections have been moved and/or reorganized, so please be sure to review the Quick Reference Guide after it is made available on July 22 to be fully prepared for the upgrade.

Questions? Contact financecustomercare@ohio.edu

July 13, 2021
Staff reports