FR 2110 CCE

Course Credit by Examination
FR 2110—Intermediate French

Three Semester Hours

DD 01/13


University Requisite: French placement in 2110 or 211 or C– or better in FR 1120 or 1199.
WARNING: No credit for this course if taken after FR 2120, 3XXX, or 4XXX.

Course Description

First course of two-semester, second-year sequence. Emphasis on grammar. Reading and discussion of selected modern works. Supplemental cultural material.

Textbook and Supplies

ISBN 9781617670473 (package ISBN number, containing the following textbooks and access code to be used with the online Supersite)

Mitschke. Imaginez: le français sans frontiers. 2nd ed. Vista Higher Learning, 2012. + Students Activities manual

A French-English dictionary (no pocket editions, please). It would be useful to invest in a good dictionary, such as: The Oxford Hachette French Dictionary, by Marie-Hélène.

Nature of the Examination

You will have three hours to complete the examination. All materials will be provided; you are not permitted to use books, notes, or supplementary aids of any kind. You must leave your cell phone with the person giving you the examination at the beginning of the exam.

The examination has two parts:

  1. Part I (82 points) covers the grammar points presented in Structures and Fiches de grammaire, chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in Imaginez: le français sans frontières.
  2. Part II (38 points) covers the vocabulary (Pour commencer), Court Métrage, and reading selections (Culture AND Littérature sections) from chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Part II covers the vocabulary from Imaginez, the readings included in the Culture and Littérature sections, as well as the Court Métrage included in each chapter. You will have to complete three different tasks:

  1. Select the correct answer in a multiple-choice exercise for the vocabulary section.
  2. Decide whether the five statements provided at the end of the reading selection are true or false. You will have to write a short sentence correcting the false statements.
  3. Write an essay. You will have a choice between two questions based on the Court Métrage section of Imaginez. In the essay, you will discuss the themes, characters, and plot of the various films and will be asked to relate some of the themes to your own experience.

Again, it is strongly recommended you prepare the exercises preceding and following the sections covered in Part II of the examination included in Imaginez.

Grading Criteria

The examination is designed to test:

  • Your accurate knowledge of grammatical structures, verb tenses, and idiomatic expressions
  • The level of your basic vocabulary.
  • Your ability to understand the basic ideas and events of the readings.