SOC 1000 CCE

Course Credit by Examination
SOC 1000—Introduction to Sociology

Three Semester Hours

TV 8/19


University Requisite: None

Course Description

Nature of human society and factors affecting its development. Fundamental concepts of sociology: culture, personality, socialization, social organization, groups, institutions.

Textbook and Supplies

Newman, David M. 2019. Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life, Brief Edition. 6th ed. Sage Publications. [ISBN: 9781544325798]

Reading Assignments

There are hundreds of sociology textbooks on the market, but this is by far the instructor’s favorite one. Newman is an engaging writer who avoids hard-to-understand social science jargon and uses vivid examples to illustrate the important concepts of sociology. The course will not cover every topic in the textbook. The instructor has selected those topics and corresponding chapters that he believes will provide the most efficient and comprehensive introduction to sociology. 

Most of the chapters in the book contain special features. When you are reading each chapter, pay close attention to the short research features (see Durkheim in chapter 1 and Milgram in chapter 2, for example). Also, be sure to read the chapter highlights and review the key terms at the end of each chapter. Reading these features are not, of course, a good substitute for reading the chapter, but will help you to revisit the main ideas and to test your understanding of the key concepts.

Nature of the Examination

Part I: 150 multiple-choice questions, with roughly equal proportions of the questions drawn from each assigned chapter. (150 points)

Part II: Five Short essay questions. You will answer each question completely in six to eight sentences. (50 Points)

Grading Criteria

Your grade is based on the proportion of the total 200 points that you actually earn (150 points on multiple choice and 10 points for each essay). Plus and minus grades may be awarded at the discretion of the instructor. 

  • 180–200 points = A 
  • 160–179 points = B 
  • 140–159 points = C 
  • 120–139 points = D 
  • 119 or fewer = F