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Requisite Key

The requisite listed for each course in are the minimum requirements for the class. Students may petition departments to override the listed requisite. This is done only with permission obtained from the instructor or the department offering the course.

The following information will assist you in reading requisites:

Requisite Explanation
Graduate Courses: Note that all courses with catalog numbers of 5000 and above are graduate level courses and require graduate standing even though this fact is not listed for each course.
Permission required or Perm required Permission is required for the class. You can request permission online by clicking on the "Request Permission" link. 
HTC Honors Tutorial College students only.
Concurrent or Concur Take concurrently with other course. Example: LING 4750 or Concurrent
ETM 2210 and (PHYS 2020 or 2520) Indicates (for example) ETM 2210 and either PHYS 2020 or PHYS 2520 must be completed (the second PHYS is implied and not printed).
C or better Indicates (for example) a "C" is the lowest acceptable grade for the requisite course. Example: C or better in JOUR 1330
Tier I ENG Indicates that the freshman Tier I English requirement must be completed.
Tier I MATH Indicates that the freshman Tier I Quantitative Skills requirement must be completed.
Jr Comp Indicates  that the junior level composition requirement must be completed.
Fr only Indicates student must be a freshman rank.
Fr or soph Indicates student must be a freshman or sophomore rank.
Fr or soph or jr Indicates student must be a freshman, sophomore, or junior.
Soph only Indicates student must be a sophomore rank.
Soph or jr Indicates student must be a sophomore or junior rank.
Soph or jr or sr Indicates student must be a sophomore, junior, or senior rank. 
Jr only Indicates student must be a junior rank.
Jr or Sr Indicates student must be a junior or senior rank.
Sr only Indicates student must be a senior rank
Equivalent or Equiv If this appears in the requisite, students who feel that they have comparable courses or experience may ask for permission to enroll in the course. They may request permission online from the instructor or the department offering the course in order to register for the course.
Recommended Indicates this course is a recommended requisite. However, it is not a requirement for registering for the course.
Not PSY 1200 Indicates (for example) the student who has completed PSY 1200 may not register for this course.
Major or Mjr Indicates student must be a major of the department/school.