Budget - Memberships, Subscriptions, and Professional Activity Costs - B05.07


This procedure includes general guidance regarding memberships, subscriptions, and professional activity costs. These costs are regulated under the OMB Uniform Guidance 2 CFR §200.454 – Memberships, Subscriptions, and Professional Activity Costs.


This procedure applies to all sponsored projects subject to OHIO Policy 19.045 Administering External Grants and Contracts set up as separate accounts in the OHIO Financial Management System (FMS).


Institutional Memberships

Under the guidelines imposed by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget’s Uniform Guidance (), costs for institutional memberships in business, technical, and professional organizations are allowable. The costs must be reasonable and allocable to the award. A brief justification for the costs must be documented with the expense. It is also OHIO’s position that sponsor approval is required prior to charging these costs to a federal award.  Approval can be obtained by specifically including and justifying the expense in the proposal budget or in a post-award written request.

Individual Memberships and Subscriptions

Individual memberships are treated as indirect costs per 2 CFR 200 Appendix III.B.6.b.(2). The exception for individual memberships is when OHIO receives an award with an institutional allowance, and the sponsor specifically allows direct charging of individual dues, memberships, or subscriptions. In these cases, memberships, subscriptions, and professional activity costs may be charged directly to a sponsored program. Examples of these types of awards include NIH or NASA fellowships, training programs, or any other type of award with an institutional allowance. The membership, subscription, or professional activity cost should directly benefit the fellow or participant.

Forms and Templates

Contact your Sponsored Programs Manager for the appropriate budget template


Questions regarding this procedure can be sent to orsp@ohio.edu.

Roles and Responsibilities


CONTRIBUTOR: CFAO/Business Unit Manager, ORSP

APPROVER: Chair, Dean


Review/Revision History

Created 02/16/2023