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This form must be submitted to the Dean's office before the student's non-thesis hours can be accepted by the College. Dean's office: The Associate Dean or designated person will assure required signatures are present on the form and filed in the College. This form should NOT go to TAD Services. The Associate Dean or designated person will follow appropriate procedures. %'G üüÑ~oeSoChyXRhZ>*aJmHnHu"jhyXRhZ>*UaJhyXRhZ>*aJjhyXRhZ>*UaJhyXRhZaJhyXRhZ5aJ hyXRhZ"jxhaLhZ5UaJ"jhaLhZ5UaJ hZ5aJjhZ5UaJ huhZhuhZ5 hZ5hyXRhZ5hyXRhZ5aJhyXRh5aJ% J 4 5 dhgdZxgdZ$a$gdZgdZ@&gdZ $dh@&a$gdZ $d8a$gdZ  ! " , - . 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