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Coupon Code Request Form

Baker Garage, Jefferson Garage, Lot 87, Lot 122, & Lot 134 are pay-to park facilities. Guests wishing to park within these lots have the option to pay using ParkMobile (zones indicated in the lot) or they can pay for their space using the pay station located near the lot entrance. Parking within these lots is $1.25 per hour between 7am-3pm and $1.00 per hour all other times.

University Departments may choose to purchase a coupon code which allows their guests to park within these lots at a reduced rate. This coupon code is only valid when using the pay station machines. Coupon codes do not work with the ParkMobile application. Coupon codes may be purchased to cover a percentage of the customer's total parking fee or to reduce the customer's total parking fee by a predetermined amount. Coupon codes ordered by University Departments must be paid using a valid University account number. Coupon codes are currently not available to external organizations; however, a lot reservation is an option for external operations.

The total fee for the coupon usage will vary based on which option the department chooses (percentage of total parking fee, a flat rate discount, and the total amount of time the customer parked). Departments are responsible for sharing their coupon code with their customers prior to the customer initiating parking to ensure usage.


Coupon Code Begin Date

Parking Services does not recommend using the same coupon code for a long period of time or for multiple events. It is highly recommended that coupon codes only be used for single day events to prevent abuse.

Coupon Code End Date (Multiple Day Requests Only)

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