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CLJC Faculty Research Fund


The Center for Law, Justice & Culture Faculty Research Fund was established through the CLJC research incentive account to support the careers of faculty pursuing interdisciplinary law and society scholarship.


All CLJC faculty affiliates with active status at the time of application are eligible to apply for support.


Proposals should address new or relatively new research projects (begun within the last two years) for which there is a defined timeline for completion and planned tangible output. Strong consideration will be given to proposals that could not be completed without the funding. Special consideration will be given to proposals that have sought matching funds or additional sources of funds.

Examples of fundable research projects include:

  • Travel to non-circulating library collections.
  • Travel to pursue field research.
  • Purchase of materials (e.g., books and software) for a research project.
  • Payment to specialized personnel for translation or transcription.

The proposal should be doubled-spaced and the pages should be numbered. The proposal will be submitted electronically only. A proposal should include the following:

  • Cover page [PDF]. Prepare a cover page including the project title; applicant's name; project dates; funding amount requested; and submission date. The applicant must sign the cover page and obtain the signature of the department chair on the cover page. Signatures are required only on the original copy, to be retained by the applicant. The cover page must be the first page of the proposal.
  • Narrative. Prepare a brief written narrative of the project purpose or scope, timeframe, expected outcome, and preliminary progress already obtained (if any) on the project.
  • Budget. Provide an itemized budget for projected costs. There is no limit to the amount of funding requested in a proposal, but it is expected that grants from this fund would fall in the range of $750 to $1,500.
  • Additional funding sources. Indicate the amount of funding requested from other sources, if any.
  • Curriculum vitae. Provide a current CV. Do not submit copies of reprints or preprints of articles or book chapters.


One signed electronic copy of the proposal is to be submitted to the CLJC Director. The CLJC Executive Committee will review proposals and make a recommendation to the Director for funding. The committee may recommend full or partial funding of the project. Committee feedback on the proposal will be available upon request.

Proposals may be submitted twice during the year. The deadline for Fall is Nov. 1 and the deadline for Spring is April 1. Please allow sufficient time for review before the anticipated start date of the project.

The Executive Committee can recommend changes to these guidelines by action of a majority of the committee. Changes will be approved or disapproved by the CLJC Director.

The CLJC Faculty Research Fund was established as of Sept. 15, 2018, and will continue as long as the CLJC Research Incentive Fund is available for it.

Please direct any questions about the CLJC Faculty Research Fund to Kevin Uhalde.