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Spanish M.A. Funding Opportunities – Teaching Assistantships

Apply by Jan. 15 for Financial Aid Consideration

Prospective students considered for admission to the graduate program in the Department of Modern Languages are also considered for financial support then they apply by the deadline for priority consideration, Jan. 15.

Selected students might be granted a teaching assistantship, which is a form of funding. Students who are appointed as Teaching Assistants will receive a monthly stipend for services provided to the department, plus a full scholarship (tuition waiver) for the academic year. The stipend is for the academic year, not the calendar year (approximately eight months).

All students are responsible for paying a general fee each term and student health insurance (If the student is already covered by a health insurance policy, proof must be provided). The university also charges a Technology fee each term.

All private expenses such as: travel, rent, personal purchases, meals, etc. are not covered by the university.

Selection Procedure for Recommending Appointments and Reappointments

After an application is complete, the departmental committee reviews it. If the committee decides the application should move forward in the process, committee members conduct a Skype or phone interview with the candidate. 

The best-qualified applicants will be offered a teaching assistantship including a monthly stipend and a tuition waiver (scholarship). 


  • Review of application materials begins on January 15th, or whenever an application is complete, whichever comes sooner.
  • Pre-selection is completed no later than the end of February when pre-selected candidates are notified and an online interview is scheduled.
  • Interviews are conducted before mid-March and candidates are soon notified.
  • After admission and/or receipt of an assistantship offer, applicants may accept at any time through April 15th.

This timeline is somewhat flexible and subject to change.

Reappointment for assistantships can be expected for the duration of the program (4 semesters), provided the student maintains at least a 3.00 grade point average in academic work and performs assigned TA responsibilities to the satisfaction of the department as evaluated by the supervisor and other faculty/administrative members.

Duties and Stipends of Teaching and Graduate Associates

 A student on graduate assistantships may be assigned classroom teaching, FLES teaching or other office duties. The most common source of funding in our program are teaching assistantships which imply classroom teaching. 

Classroom teaching duties: Teaching assistant teach one beginning language course (4 credit hours) per semester. This includes: 4 hours spent in the classroom, time for class preparation, grading, etc. For additional information concerning the program, TA duties, rules, regulations, etc. refer to under the guidance of the Language Program Director. Each teaching assistant is also expected to hold 2 hours/week of office hours for advising students. It is estimated that students who are appointed as teaching assistants will provide a minimum of 15 hours/week of service to the department.

Please read

  1. The Frequently Asked Questions for further details regarding finances, funding, and the application process.
  2. The Spanish Graduate Handbook for additional information regarding the program, TA duties, rules, regulations, etc. 

Have questions? 

For further information regarding admissions, program options, or degree requirements, call us at 740-593-2765 or email Betsy Partyka directly at partyka@ohio.edu