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Recent Grants for Physics & Astronomy Researchers

Fiscal Year 2019-20

King, Paul, Development for Hall A PREX CREX and TDIS Program - Jefferson Science Associates - n/a - $14,310.06

Smith, Arthur, Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Studies of Nanoscale Magnetic and Spintronic Nitride Systems - U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $187,483.00

Hla, Saw-Wai, Investigation and Manipulation of Nanoscale Molecular Supercondicutiveity and Molecule Manipulation and its Application to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - US Department of Energy - Office of Science - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $150,000.00

Ingram, David, Grad Fellow 2 at Argonne: Construction of Low Temperature SX-STM (Hao Chang) - Argonne National Laboratory - n/a - $16,025.00

Meisel, Zach, Contraining Neutron Star Structure with Indirect Nuclear Reactions Studies - U.S. Department of Energy - Office of Science - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $186,000.00

Govorov, Alexander, Ultraviolet Plasmonics for Circular Dichroism Enhancement or Amplification for Sensing Biomolecules - United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $37,500.00

Roche, Julie, Nuclear Physics Expeeriments with the Electro-Weak Probe - National Science Foundation - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $170,001.00

Brune, Carl, Scattering and Reactions of Light Nuclei - U.S. Department of Energy - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $250,000.00

Frantz, Justin, Onset of Jet Energy Loss Effects with Particle-Isolation Measurements and Event Engineering in Prompt Photon-Jet and Di-Jet Correlations in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions with Phenix and Sphenix - U.S. Department of Energy - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $109,000.00

Brune, Carl, Study of Nuclear Astrophysics and Nuclear Structure and Reactions with Neutrons, Radioactive Beams, and Other Probes - U.S. Department of Energy - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $50,000.00

Ingram, David, Graduate Felloship at Argonne National Lab - Argonne National Laboratory - n/a - $5,000.00

Ulloa, Sergio, Chemical and Physical Studies of Batteries - Argonne National Laboratory - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $104,488.00

Ingram, David, Graduate Fellowhip at Argonne National Lab - Wang - Argonne National Laboratory - n/a - $5,000.00

Seo, Hee-Jong, Optimal and Robust Reconstruction of BAO, Redshift-Space Distortions and the Alcock-Paczynski Effect - U.S. Department of Energy - Astrophysical Institute - $210,000.00

King, Paul, Development for Hall A PREX/CREX, TDIS, and Moller Programs - Jefferson Science Associates - n/a - $19,080.08

Ingram, David, Graduate Fellowship at Argonne National Lab - Ajayi - Argonne National Laboratory - n/a - $10,000.00

King, Paul, Development for Hall A PREX CREX and TDIS Program - Jefferson Science Associates - n/a - $9,540.03

Chornock, Ryan, An Independent View of the Z=5 Galaxy Population - Space Telescope Science Institute - Astrophysical Institute - $18,385.00

Elster, Charlotte, Nuclear Dynamics and Astrophysics in Few and Many Body Sytems - US Department of Energy - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $380,000.00

Chornock, Ryan, X-Ray Observations of Rapid, Luminous and Blue Stellar Explosions - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory - Astrophysical Institute - $24,539.00

Fiscal Year 2018-19

Chornock, Ryan, Source of Energy and Pre-Explosion Progenitor Evolution of Super-Luminous Supernovae - Nasa Shared Services Center - Astrophysical Institute - $22,129

Chen, Gang, Science of Electron-Conducting Filaments in Ion-Conducting Chalcogenide Glasses - National Science Foundation - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $128,197

Roche, Julie, Study of the Electroweak Structure of the Nucleon - National Science Foundation - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $180,000

Hla, Saw-Wai, Investigation and Manipulation of Nanoscale Molecular Superconductivity and Molecule Manipulation and its application to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - US Department of Energy - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $123,312

Jung, Peter, Collaborative Research: Role of Neurofilament Transport in the Growth of Axonal Caliber II - National Science Foundation - Institute for Quantitavie Biology - $115,000

Brune, Carl, LLNL Detector Neutron Characterizations Using Edwards Accelerator Laboratory at 91视频 - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $32,000

Clowe, Doug, Improving Dark Energy Constraints Using Low Redshift Large Scale Structures - U.S. Department of Energy - Astrophysical Institute - $143,000

Smith, Arthur, Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Studies of Nanoscale Magnetic and Spintronic Nitride Systems - U.S. Department of Energy - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $180,698

Seo, Hee-Jong, Optimal and Robust Reconstruction of BAO, Redshift-Space Distortions and the Alcock-Paczynski Effect - U.S. Department of Energy - Astrophysical Institute - $50,000

Meisel, Zach, Constraining Neutron Star Structure with Indirect Nuclear Reaction Studies - U.S. Department of Energy - Office of Science - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $79,000

Meisel, Zach, MRI: Acquisition of a Helium Ion Source Upgrade for the Edwards Accelerator Laboratory at 91视频 - National Science Foundation - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $186,965

Ulloa, Sergio, Chemical and Physical Studies of Batteries - Argonne National Laboratory - n/a - $30,000

Brune, Carl, Study of Nuclear Astrophysics and Nuclear Structure and Reactions with Neutrons, Radioactive Beams, and other Probes - US Department of Energy - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $50,000

Brune, Carl, MSI/Photogenics Neutron Spectrometer Calibration Using Edwards Accelerator Laboratory at 91视频 - Mission Support Inc. - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $14,496

Ingram, David, Grad Fellow 2 at Argonne: Construction of low temperature SX-STM (Hao Chang) - Argonne National Laboratory - n/a - $6,875

Ulloa, Sergio, Chemical and Physical Studies of Batteries - Argonne National Laboratory - n/a - $7,000

Elster, Charlotte, Nuclear Dynamics and Astrophysics in Few and Many Body Systems - U.S. Department of Energy - Office of Science - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $363,000

Brune, Carl, Scattering and Reactions of Light Nuclei - US Department of Energy - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $250,000

Kordesch, Martin, Emission Microscopy Study of W(100)/(110) with Absorbed BA-SC-O - Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $30,030

Brune, Carl, Study of Nuclear Astrophysics and Nuclear Structure and Reactions with Neutrons, Radioactive Beams, and Other Probes - US Department of Energy - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $390,000

Ingram, David, Graduate Fellowship at Argonne National Lab - Ajayi - Argonne National Laboratory - n/a - $10,000

Ingram, David, Graduate Fellowship at Argonne National Lab - Wang - Argonne National Laboratory - n/a - $10,000

King, Paul, Development for Hall A PREX, CREX and TDIS Program - Jefferson Science Associates, LLC - n/a - $42,242

Clowe, Doug, Improving Dark Energy Constraints Using Low-Redshift Large-Scale Structures - US Department of Energy - Office of Science - Astrophysical Institute - $108,000

Govorov, Alexander, Electromagnetic Media and Aerosols with Specially Designed Transmission Spectra Using Plasmonic Nanoshells Made from Inexpensive Materials - US Army Research Office - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $50,000

Chornock, Ryan, An Independent View of the Z=5 Galaxy Population - Space Telescope Science Institute - Astrophysical Institute - $18,385

Meisel, Zach, Statistical Nuclear Physics and (,N) Reactions for Applications - U.S. Department of Energy - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $200,000

Chornock, Ryan, Late-Time Monitoring of GW170817 Across the Electromagnetic Spectrum - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory - Astrophysical Institute - $14,910

Hicks, Kenneth, Search for New Meson and Baryon Resonances - National Science Foundation - n/a - $6,000

Kordesch, Martin, Emission Microscopy Study of W(100)/(110) with Absorbed BA-SC-O - Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $109,399

Chornock, Ryan, Continued Chandra-Nustar Monitoring of the Unprecedented Metamorphosis of SN2014C at T>1500 Days Since Explosion - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory - Astrophysical Institute - $10,718

Fiscal Year 2017-18

Smith, Arthur, Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Studies of Nanoscale Magnetic and Spintronic Nitride Systems - US Department of Energy - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $170,877

Roche, Julie, Study of the Electoweak Structure of the Nucleon - National Science Foundation - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $180,000  

Ingram, David, Low Temp Scanning, Tunneling Microscopy Study of Change Transfer Complexes - Argonne National Laboratory - n/a - $19,375

Chornock, Ryan, Source of Energy and Pre-Explosion Progenitor Evolution of Super-Luminous Supernovae 18500130 - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory - Astrophysical Institute - $14,573

Brune, Carl, Support of Basic Nuclear Science at the National Ignition Facility - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $60,000  

Chen, Gang, Science of Electron-conducting Filaments in Ion-conducting Chalcogenide Glasses - National Science Foundation - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $128,221  

Hicks, Kenneth, Search for New Meson and Baryon Resonances - National Science Foundation - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $160,000   

Brune, Carl, Studies in Low-Energy Nuclear Science - U.S. Department of Energy - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $200,000  

Frantz, Justin, Studying Jet Modification Using New Techniques in Direct Photo-Jet 2-Particle Correlation Measurements at RHIC/PHENIX - National Science Foundation - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $35,000   

Clowe, Doug, Arclets for Wfirst - Nasa Shared Services Center - Astrophysical Institute - $30,940   

Ingram, David, Grad Fellow, 2 at Argonne: Construction of Low Temperature SX-STM (Hao Chang) - Argonne National Laboratory - n/a - $32,000   

Hla, Saw-Wai, Investigation and Manipulation of Nanoscale Molecular Superconductivity and Molecule Manipulation and its Application to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - US Department of Energy - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $121,320   

Clowe, Doug, Improving Dark Energy Constraints Using Low Redshift Large Scale Structures - US Department of Energy - Astrophysical Institute - $140,000   

Hicks, Kenneth, Search for New Meson and Baryon Resonances - National Science Foundation - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $288,000  

Kordesch, Martin, Emission Microscopy Study of W(100)(110) with Absorbed Ba-Sc-O - Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - 30,030 

King, Paul, Development for Hall A TDIS and parity program - Jefferson Science Associates, LLC - n/a - $41,568.84   

Elster, Charlotte, Hadronic and Electromagnetic Reactions as Probes of Nuclear Dynamics - US Department of Energy - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $380,000  

Chornock, Ryan, Mapping Extreme Mass Loss from Evolved Massive Starts with Coordinated Chandra-NuSTAR Observations 18500379 - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory - Astrophysical Institute - $13,045  

Brune, Carl, Study of Nuclear Astrophysics and Nuclear Structure and Reactions with Neutrons, Radioactive Beams, and Other Probes - US Department of Energy - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $390,000   

Chornock, Ryan, Continued X-ray Monitoring of GW170817 with Chandra - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory - Astrophysical Institute - $4,802  

Drabold, David, Collaborative Research: Joint Utilization of Exoerimental and Theoretical Information: A New Paradigm for Modeling Complex Materials - National Science Foundation - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $67,897   

Kordesch, Martin,  Emission Microscopy Study of W(100)/(110) with Absorbed Ba-Sc-O - Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $108,781  

Jung, Peter, Collaborative Research: Role of Neurofilament Transport in the growth of Axonal Caliber II - National Science Foundation - Institute for Quantitavie Biology - $115,000   

Ingram, David, Grad Fellow 2 at Argonne: Construction of low temperature SX-STM (Hao Chang) - Argonne National Laboratory - n/a - $10,000   

Chornock, Ryan, Mind the (Luminosity) gap; A test of the Magnetar-SLSN connection with SN 2015BN - Nasa Shared Services Center - Astrophysical Institute - $55,693  

Hicks, Kenneth, Search for New Meson and Baryon Resonances - National Science Foundation - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $6,000   

Kordesch, Martin, Emission Microscopy Study of W(100)/(110) with Absorbed BA-SC-0 - Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $11,339   

Roche, Julie, Support for the 2018 Gordon Research Conference on Photnuclear Reactions - National Science Foundation - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $5,000  

Chornock, Ryan, Continued Chandra Observations of GW170817 - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory - Astrophysical Institute - $17,465

Brune, Carl, Deuteron-Induced Neutron Production Measurements on Gas Targets using Edwards Accelerator Laboratory at 91视频 - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics - $64,000 

Fiscal Year 2016-17

King, Paul, Development for Hall A DVCS, TDIS, and parity program - Jefferson Science Associates - Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics - $41,260.5.

Kordesch, Martin, A Emission Microscopy Study of W(100)/(110) with adsorbed Ba-Sc-O - Defense Advanced Research Program Agency - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $29,125.01.

Brune, Carl, Support of Basic Nuclear Science at the National Ignition Facility - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics - $60,000.

Ingram, David, Graduate Fellowship 2 at Argonne National Lab - Chang - Argonne National Laboratory - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $9,375.

Brune, Carl, Studies in Low Energy Nuclear Science - U.S. Department of Energy - Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics - $200,000.

Frantz, Justin, QGP Strong Coupling Mechanisms and Jet Modification Via Direct Photon-Jet Probes, RHIC-PHENIX vs. LHC-ATLAS - National Science Foundation - Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics - $24,493.

Lucas, Mark, Choose Appalachian Teaching: Building a Community of Mathematics and Science Teachers for Southeast Ohio - Ohio Department of Higher Education - Teacher Education - $2,015.45.

Roche, Julie, A Search for New Meson and Baryon Resonances - National Science Foundation - Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics - $86,900.

Smith, Arthur, Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Studies of Nanoscale Magnetic and Spintronic Nitride Systems - U.S. Dept of Energy - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $376,850.

Hla, Saw-Wai, Charge and Energy Transfer in Quantum Molecular Machines - U.S. Department of Energy - Office of Science - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $169,368.

Fiscal Year 2015-16

Ingram, David, Graduate Fellowship 2 at Argonne National Lab - Latt - Argonne National Laboratory - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $10,000.

Ingram, David, Undergrad Fellowship 2 at Argonne National Lab - Tumbleson - Argonne National Laboratory - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $5,000.

Roche, Julie, Study of the electroweak structure of the nucleon - National Science Foundation - Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics - $180,000.

Sandler, Nancy, Scaffolding Inquiry and Problem Solving through Literacy and Assessment Strategies - Ohio Department of Higher Education - Teacher Education - $8,217.18.

Roche, Julie, Data taking for JLab E12-06-114 (Spring 2016 teaching buy out) - Jefferson Science Associates - Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics - $38,267.

Kordesch, Martin, A Emission Microscopy Study of W(100)/(110) with adsorbed Ba-Sc-O - Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, Pacific - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $87,372.

Chornock, Ryan, Rapid Optical and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Swift GRBs: Cosmic Reionization, Metal Enrichment, and High-z Hosts - National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Astrophysical Institute - $40,000.

Roche, Julie, MRI Consortium: Development of a Neutral Particle Spectrometer to investigate the quark structure of the proton at JLab 12 GeV - Catholic University of America - Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics - $137,108.

Elster, Charlotte, Collaborative Research: Computational Faddeev approach to nuclear reactions - National Science Foundation - Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics - $35,3000.

Chen, Gang, Science of Electron-conducting Filaments in Ion-conducting Chalcogenide Glasses - National Science Foundation - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $242,540.

Sandler, Nancy, Collaborative Research: Spin correlations and spin-orbit effects in new quantum materials - National Science Foundation - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $405,000.

Drabold, David, Collaborative Research: Joint utilization of experimental and theoretical information: a new paradigm for modeling complex materials - National Science Foundation - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $130,109.

Clowe, Doug, Improving Dark Energy Constraints Using Low-Redshift Large-Scale Structures - U.S. Department of Energy - Office of Science - Astrophysical Institute - $240,000.

Clowe, Doug, ARCLETS for WFIRST - National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Astrophysical Institute - $69,902.

Brune, Carl, Support of Basic Nuclear Science at the National Ignition Facility - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics - $120,000.

Hicks, Kenneth, Intergovermental Personnel Act (IPA) Agreement - National Science Foundation - Physics and Astronomy - $183,631.

Ingram, David, Graduate Fellowship at Argonne National Lab - Kersell - Argonne National Laboratory - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $9,600.

Ingram, David, Graduate Fellowship 2 at Argonne National Lab - Chang - Argonne National Laboratory - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $30,000.

Ingram, David, Low Temp Scanning, Tunneling Microscopy Study of Charge Transfer Complexes - Argonne National Laboratory - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $34,900.

Brune, Carl, Studies in Low Energy Nuclear Science - U.S. Dept of Energy - Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics - $200,000.

Roche, Julie, MRI-Consortium: Development of the Forward Tagger for the CLAS12 Detector at Jefferson Lab - Norfolk State University - Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics - $16,141.

Govorov, Alexander, Coherent effects in hybrid nanostructures for lineshape engineering of electromagnetic media - Rice University - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $280,000.

Frantz, Justin, QGP Strong Coupling Mechanisms and Jet Modification Via Direct Photon-Jet Probes, RHIC-PHENIX vs. LHC-ATLAS - National Science Foundation - Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics - $10,0000.

Lucas, Mark, Choose Appalachian Teaching: Building a Community of Mathematics and Science Teachers for Southeast Ohio - Ohio Department of Higher Education - Teacher Education - $1,200.

Smith, Arthur, Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Studies of Nanoscale Magnetic and Spintronic Nitride Systems - U.S. Dept of Energy - Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute - $180,000.

Elster, Charlotte, Nuclear Dynamics and Astrophysics in Few and Many Body Systems - U.S. Department of Energy - Office of Science - Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics - $370,000.