
Custodial Services

University Custodial Services provides cleaning for all buildings on campus and consist of Custodial Services and Residential Custodial Services.

The Custodial Services (CS) segment is responsible for the cleaning activities in all buildings that receive General Fund and General Fee support. Custodial Services is a three-shift operation that covers over 4,000,000 gross square feet of space.Each shift is its own work group and is referred to by their working hours, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Shifts.

The Resident Custodial Services (RCS) segment is responsible for the cleaning activities in all Residence Halls on campus. Residential Custodial Services is divided into 3 segments designated by greens; they are East Green, West Green (including Bromley) and South Green and are responsible for the cleaning of all Resident Halls on Campus.

To reach a specific employee or notify us of a cleaning concern please contact the main office at 740-593-2911.

More Information

For the most current cleaning schedule, proceed to the following link:

To find the area, shift and manager for your facility proceed to the following link which contains an area and alphabetical listing of buildings on the Athens Campus.

To find the centralized trash and recycling locations in your facility please proceed to the following link which contains information for each building.  This is a work in progress, if you do not see your facility listed please notify us.