
Faculty Grievance Consultants

Academic Year 2024-2025

All Regional Higher Education campuses will have a tenured faculty member designated as the consultant for all faculty on that campus for grievance related matters. The grievance consultants shall be chosen by the Faculty Senate Chair in consultation with the faculty from each RHE campus with agreement from the RHE Vice Provost (or designee or equivalent). This position will be a service assignment for the designated faculty member.  Each campus consultant will be trained so that they can provide information, advice, and assistance regarding the grievance process. 

Chillicothe Campus

Stacey Saunder-Adams
Associate Professor, Heath and Human Services

Eastern Campus

Kevin Spiker
Associate Professor, Arts and Sciences

Lancaster Campus

Mark Nevin
Associate Professor, History

Southern Campus

Dana Scott
Associate Professor, Nursing

Zanesville Campus

Pramod Kanwar
Professor, Arts and Sciences