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Short Term Loans

The Short-Term Loan (STL) Program provides temporary funds to students for educationally-related expenses. Student may receive STL funds for a brief period of time until other resources are available. To be eligible for an STL, a student must meet certain criteria and have a documented source of repayment. Details about terms and repayment can be found on the STL application. The application is given at the appointment with your financial aid administrator. STL applications are available to both Athens and Regional Campus students. An STL is normally paid back during the same semester in which it is borrowed.

If you are receiving a Pell grant or other federal financial aid and your disbursement is delayed, you may be eligible for an STL. Please speak to your Regional Campus Student Services office or the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships to determine your eligibility.


Application Procedure

To apply for an STL, Athens students must schedule an appointment with their financial aid administrator. During the appointment, the student and administrator will review the student's account to determine eligibility and discuss repayment.

Completed and approved STL applications are provided to the Bursar's office for processing.