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Human Resources News

As faculty, staff, and student employees return to campus for the 2021-2022 academic year, the Employee Service Center – now located at 113 Grosvenor Hall – is prepared to ensure continuity of service, while honoring our commitment to the health and safety of our campus.

As COVID-19 restrictions are eased throughout the state, some people may be returning to the office, continuing to work from home, or a hybrid of the two. Because of this, University Human Resources will be collecting work location data from all University faculty and staff in the coming weeks. 

The official drive for vacation leave donations to the Paid Leave Pool is now underway. 

UHR has updated the list of OHIO holiday observance dates to include the Juneteenth holiday.

Employees and covered dependents will receive new Anthem ID cards in their name, including children.

Human Resources is moving to 113 Grosvenor Hall effective Monday, June 14, 2021.

As announced during the annual Benefit Open Enrollment period, effective July 1, 2021 the CVS Caremark PrudentRx specialty drug copay program will be implemented.

As the end of FY21 approaches, faculty and staff are reminded to record all planned and/or confirmed absences through June 30.

As a reminder, the annual Benefits Open Enrollment period will be open through Wednesday, May 5, 2021.

The annual Benefits Open Enrollment period is scheduled to begin the afternoon of April 12, 2021.