Email Signature Form

Indicates required field

This email signature generator allows you to create a professional and personalized email signature that displays your department's information along with the official OHIO logo. With this tool, you can effortlessly craft your signature to ensure a consistent, branded and professional representation of the University in all your communications.

Signature Components Form

To copy your signature, fill out the below form and select the "Copy to Clipboard" button. From there, you can paste the signature into your email platform’s signature.


Getting started - Personal Information


Contact Information

College or Planning Unit
Building Address

Get Social

If you'd like to include your college, department, school, or office's social media address in your email signature, select the "Add Social Media Icons" option and add the appropriate URL.

Enter the full URL, for example: , ,

Professional/departmental social media accounts are permitted and encouraged, but personal accounts should not be listed.

Signature Preview