
Roles and Responsibilities

These roles and responsibilities are defined in accordance with the Website CMS User Policy 31.006.

Web CMS websites must be sponsored by a permanent faculty or staff member, and that person agrees to take responsibility for the content and oversight of that website. This service is not available for course materials, personal use such as a personal portfolio of work, or a personal website. This service is not available to students or student organizations. The unit must designate one Site Manager for each website. Planning units are responsible for informing UCM of changes to the Authorized Users and/or Site Manager.

Site Manager

Each website group in Drupal will have one designated Site Manager that is the primary contact for content changes in the site. Every Site Manager will receive Publisher access. Each site can also have up to two back-up Publishers and additional Site Editors if deemed necessary.

Web CMS Publishers

A user designated as "Publisher" has been granted access to publish assets to the live server. Publishers are required to be trained in the use of the Drupal web CMS and must complete the Web Publisher Agreement, which explains and requires acknowledgement of the role's responsibilities. Live publishing rights are granted only after a trial period following training, the length of which remains at the discretion of UCM. There is a limit of 3 Publishers per site in order to ensure best practices are followed by well-versed users. 

Web CMS Editors

A user designated as "Editor" has been granted access to edit assets. Edited assets will be sent to the Publisher(s) and/or Site Manager for final review before being published live. Editors are required to be trained in the use of the Drupal Content Management System (web CMS).

Web CMS Student Editors

Student users of Drupal are assigned "Editor" access only and are not given live publishing access.