
Items of Interest

Biological Effects

  • This module provides information about the following topics: mechanisms of damage, tissue sensitivity, prompt vs. delayed effects, prompt effects table, partial body exposure, delayed effects, process of determining cancer risk, cancer risk estimates, risk perspectives, generic effects, and prenatal radiation exposure.

Commercial Use of Radioactive Materials

  • Millions of people wear some type of dentures (false teeth). Some of them, especially the oldest ones, are made out of porcelain that includes a trace of uranium, a radioactive element.
  • Uses of Radioisotopes
    Some of the major uses of radioisotopes in the United States.

  • This article examines the commercial use of uranium to achieve the unique red color of a popular dinnerware line.

Farming and Radioactive Risks

  • Disaster guide published by the Washington State Department of Agriculture designed to provide information for farmers and growers on the probable and potential effects of radiation on farming operations.

Flying and Radiation Risks

  • Radiation Risks for People Who Fly by Dr. Robert J. Barish
    Radiation exposure while flying is an issue most of us never think about. In 1992 the FAA acknowledged that pilots and flight attendants may receive more radiation annually than the average radiation worker - perhaps twice as much. Airlines were directed to educate their crew members about their radiation risk. This is the first book to address this issue.

Food Irradiation


  • This paper compares the historical developments of chemical and radiation hormesis from their respective inceptions in the late 1880's for chemical hormesis and early 1900's for radiation hormesis to the mid 1930's to 1940 during which both hypotheses rose to some prominence but then became marginalized within the scientific community.


  • Article on the Laser Fantasy International web site explaining how laser light is produced, why it's so useful, and some of its most common applications.

  • A Livermore team has won an R&D 100 Award for applying chirped-pulse amplification in a high-average-power mode for cutting and machining materials. The system was developed for disassembling nuclear weapons components, but it has many other uses as well.
  • Cool Facts About Lasers
    Some basic facts about Lasers and about Laser Cooling from the Cool Fact of the Day Archives.

Pregnancy and Radiation



  • (Map of the Nuclides)
  • (Nuclear Decay Data)


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